Thursday, October 31, 2019

Violent Crimes And Major Thefts Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Violent Crimes And Major Thefts - Case Study Example Other than the national street gangs, there are other local street gangs found in the rural, suburban and urban areas. Such local gangs pose an increasing threat to the locals as they are responsible for transporting and distribution of drugs in specific areas. In order to gain respect from their rivals, local street gangs imitate the more powerful national gangs which is one cause of street gang fights that keep recurring. Notably, such gangs continue to pose domestic threats to all their neighborhoods. Therefore, there is a probability that these gangs will increase their illegal operations to the US from their international suppliers. Similarly, it is probable that such gangs will increase their relationships with the international criminal organizations and drug trafficking organizations as a way of obtaining access to the global market for illegal businesses. This paper outlines why street gangs are dangerous sections in any society and therefore, state, federal and local govern ment should not hesitate in curbing them. As a result of the increase in the number of street gangs, the Federal Bureau of Investigations continues to play a major role in combating violent crimes and thefts in all cities and towns in US. The FBI works in conjunction with other agents such as the state and local partners, who are involved in the investigation as well as a joint task force. This ensures that the fight against gangs is made possible since one organ cannot fight the crimes by itself (Curry, Ball, & Fox, 2014). Other than investigations, these anti-gang groups look at the bigger picture through analyzing trends and threats from the criminal groups and sharing that intelligence with all their partners. Such strategies enable the involved officer to recognize as well as understand the exact assignment they have to complete or are ongoing. The spread of street gangs has been attributed to lack of sharing information by the officers in charge or poor communication by the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Canadian national identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Canadian national identity - Essay Example According to public opinion polls, Canadians are proud of their diversity since it reflects the admirable qualities of caring, accepting, and tolerance. Canadians have developed a fairly intense complex about their national identity. Most Canadians share universal conceptions. The Canadian media has identified that 85 percent of Canadians identified their nation with typical behaviors and a typical accent language (Diakiw, 2011). There are numerous historical events that have shaped the current Canadian national identity. Some of the events include the participation of women in World War I, the creation of social welfare services and implementation of the third party system. Canadian political system has led to collective bargaining and equal rights for all workers (Diakiw, 2011). Immigration restrictions especially Asian immigrants and treatment of minority groups during the 20th century including residential schools, aboriginal issues and treaties led to emergency of shared values of tolerance and acceptance of diversity (Berdun & Montserrat, 2007). The Official Languages Act and Canadian role in international peacekeeping led to emergency of a culture of tolerance and caring attitudes among the nationals (Berdun & Montserrat, 2007). Canadians are proud of the cultural image. Canadian government has facilitated the strengthening of national identity and heritage. A unified and tolerant Canadian national ideology inspires many Canadian nationals. Canadian government has promoted cultural diversity and heritage through limiting the effect of foreign influence such an American influence. The official symbols such as the Flag of Canada was modified in order to align it with Canadian culture. Prominent symbols such as the loon, Canada goose, beaver and Canadian horse are some of the symbols that Canadian national identity with in the society (MacKey, 1999). The government has also changed the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Economic Features Of Globalization

Economic Features Of Globalization Compare and contrast the main features of globalization in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Globalisation is the integration of cultures and economies across geographical boarders. Globalisation has made trade and communication possible throughout the world in the shortest possible time. The difference in globalisation in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries While free trade was imposed on the rest of the world markets in third world countries were opened simply because they were not independent nations. Direct foreign investments increased rapidly during 1870 to 1913. The first half of the nineteenth century saw free trade being practised only by Britain. However, in the twentieth century government debt became tradable in the global market for financial assets. The similarities in globalization in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries In the nineteenth century international trade was attributed to trade liberalization, direct foreign investment increased rapidly during the nineteenth century. Lending at international bank was also substantial. The late nineteenth and early twentieth century witnessed a significant integration of international markets to provide a channel for portfolio investment flows. The cross-national ownership of securities including government bonds reached very high levels during this period. Also in the twentieth century there was an increase in the degree of openness in most countries, in international trade, investment and finance. While the second half of the twentieth century witnessed a phenomenal expansion in international trade flows. What is deglobalisation? Deglobalisation is the disintegrations of the economies of the world to their individual status where they do not engage in trade, imports and exports with other countries. To what extent has the 2008 crisis and recession brought about deglobalisation? Globalisation brought with it free trade of goods and services between countries and boarders. Many persons left their countries of birth to migrate to other countries in search of a better life, nurses from as far as Trinidad were and still are being employed in England and America. Persons from anywhere in the world can go to America and enjoy a doubles which is a Caribbean (East Indian) delicacy. The debate on globalization continue as people try to make sure that the benefits of global trade outweigh the costs for all countries. However, with the recession of 2008 many developed and developing nations have felt the impact of the recession specifically in Europe and the United States. Recession is caused by inflation, where to much money is chasing to little goods. In Ireland, many home owners took out a second mortgage to purchase second homes. Regretably many of home owners were unable to repay these loan and the banks took control of thes properties. In many instances these homes were sold for less than the homeowner was owing to the financial institution. Many persons who migrated to these countries in search of a better standard of living and employment opportunities are now leaving these countries and returning to their country of birth. This is as a result of an increase of unemployment due to many companies being unable to pay its workforce and meet its overhead expenditures. Though economies of the world are experiencing economic recession, globalisation have to a large extent allowed many countries to survive since countries can still trade their goods and services with other countries with the hope of rebuilding their economies. To what extent do the positive aspects of globalisation outweigh its negative effects? According to Deepak Nayyar globalization is the expansion of economic transactions and the organisation of economic activities across the political boundaries of nation states. Globalisation is associated with increasing economic openness, growing economic independence and deepening economic integration in the world economy. People everywhere, even the poor and the excluded, are exposed to these consumption possibility frontiers because the electronic media has spread the consumerist message far and wide. Negative effects of globalization Nayyar however, stated that those who does not have the incomes cannot buy goods and services in the market which only creates frustration or alienation which can lead to increase in crime, violence and drugs. Some seek refuge in ethnic identities, cultural chauvinism. Globalisation inevitably tends to erode social stabillty. Economic integration with the world outside may accentuate social tensions or provoke social fragmentation within countries. Globalisation have also resulted in a widening in the gap between the rich and the poor in the worlds population, as also between the rich and poor people within countries has widened. Income distribution within countries also worsened with globalization and income inequality increased. The incidence of poverty increased in most countries of Latin America, the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa during the 1980s and the 1990s. Nayyar further went on to state that much of Eastern Europe and Central Asia experiences a sharp rise in poverty during the 1990s. Unemployment in the industrialised countries has increased substantially since the early 1970s and remained at high levels since then. Trade liberalization has led to a growing wage inequality between skilled and unskilled workers, not only in industrialized countries but also in developing countries. As a consequence of privatization and deregulation, capital has gained at the expense of labour, almost everywhere, for profit shares have risen while wage shares have fallen. M. Panic stated in the article negative issues with support what Nayyar also stated in his article the evidence of which are as follows:- Does Europe need neoliberal reforms? the extremely objectionable nature of the unregulated, free market version of the system was demonstrated globally in the 1930s with devastating consequences: its inherent tendency to prolonged and costly crises (the Great Depression, mass unemployment), social deprivation and division (extreme poverty for the many in the mass unemployment), social deprivation and division (extreme poverty for the many in the midst of great wealth for the few) German economic growth and levels of unemployment, for so long among the most impressive in the industrialized world, were only slightly better. Again, empirical evidence in support of the neoliberal claim that unemployment in Germany was caused by over-regulation was found to be extremely weak (Fuchs and Schettkat, 2000, p. 238) Conclusion While, many world trade and export-led growth strategies are collapsing, surplus countries face big obstacles in expanding domestic demand, and many emerging market economies are in deep trouble. World trade is collapsing much faster than expected-and much faster than predicted on the basis of the past example of this can be seen in the United States and Europe specifically Ireland where many homeowners are unable to pay their mortgages. Globalisation have also resulted in the devaluation of the US dollar which is a direct impact of the recession that the country is presently facing. The global imbalances had too important a role to ignore, in contrast to a mainstream view that focuses on mistakes in monetary policy and financial regulation since the negative impact is not only economic but also far reaching social issues. Based on the information listed above I can conclude that the negative effects far outweigh the positive.

Friday, October 25, 2019

George Eliots Adam Bede: Christian Ethics Without God Essay example --

George Eliot's Adam Bede: Christian Ethics Without God The greatest recent event -- that "God is dead," that the belief in the Christian God has ceased to be believable -- is... cast[ing] its shadows over Europe. For the few, at lease, whose eyes....are strong and sensitive enough for this spectacle... What must collapse now that this belief has been undermined... [is] our whole European morality. --Nietzsche, from The Gay Science: Book V (1887) Dr. Richard Niebuhr writes, in his introduction to Eliot's translation of Feuerbach's The Essence of Christianity, that Eliot "sought to retain the ethos of Christianity without its faith, its humanism without its theism." In her first full novel, Adam Bede, Eliot succeeds at doing this. By replacing God's all-seeing eye with a plethora of human eyes, Eliot depicts characters in the close-knit community of Hayslope who don't need God to be good Christians, who can hold their standards without their faith. Eliot begins with the simplistically Christian notion that God can see everything. Adam, our title hero, sings a tune in chapter one that refers to "God's all-seeing eye," (Eliot 24). Meanwhile, Bessy, a local Hayslope country girl, feels that "Jesus [is] close by looking at her, though she cannot see him" (Eliot 40). According to this model, a person must act morally otherwise God will know through sight and he will punish her. But, Eliot abandons these sorts of references to an all-seeing God by chapter four in favor of a structure that does not require God's eye. On the most basic level, Eliot is continually describing the physical eyes of her characters, and reminding us of their presence, although she gives up talking about God's eye. Adam's eyes, for instance,... ...f course, this analysis leaves me with a glaring question. Why does Eliot hold onto the morality defined by Christianity after surrendering its God? Why doesn't she re-evaluate that structure as well, rather than holding onto it by transferring authority? Why bother dismissing God if the visible fabric remains static? Perhaps she's being pragmatic -- perhaps she fears anarchy in the wake of a passing God. Bibliography Dickens, Charles. "Letter to George Eliot on 10 July 1859," in Ed. David Carroll, The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, (1971). Eliot, George. Adam Bede. England: Cox and Wyman, 1994. Ferris, Ina, "Realism and the Discord of Ending: The Example of Thackeray," Nineteenth Century Fiction, 38/3 (1983), 289-303. Goode, John. "Adam Bede: A Critical Essay," in Ed. Barbara Hardy, Critical Essays on George Eliot, (1970).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 24~26

24 Valhalla: From the Runyonese Vincent Bennidetti was sitting at an oversized table dealing five-card draw to five other guys and relating the story of the crash landing of the Sky Priestess in hopes that the tale would distract his opponents from his creative shuffling. â€Å"So the squirt says to me, he says, ‘I'm Malink, chief of the Shark People,' and he puffs up his little chest like I'm supposed to be impressed and drop down and kiss his ring, except he ain't wearing any ring; in fact, he ain't wearing nothing but a loincloth and a little hat made of palm leaves, so I says, ‘Honored and charmed I'm sure, Chief.' And I gives him a grade A Hershey bar as a peace offering to assure that the kid doesn't get any ideas about ventilating me with his spear. Although I have a roscoe handy in my flight suit, in Manhattan it is considered very bad luck indeed to shoot a kid unless he deserves it, so I am trying to take the diplomatic route. â€Å"So the squirt chief takes the sweet and slaps a lip over a morsel and his little mug splits in a grin so big that I'm figuring I know now how his tribe gets named Shark People. And before I know it the kid yells something to his pals and they vamoose to the jungle while I watch the squirt's spear and he keeps a peeper peeled at the Sky Priestess like any minute she's gonna jump off the plane and do the bump and grind across the airstrip. â€Å"Now we are sure that Sky Priestess is not burning or blowing up, Sparky goes back in and sings Mayday on the radio until I am thinking that even Marconi is sorry he ever invented the machine (another distinguished Italian genius, if I may point out, and it would be impolite for anyone, at this juncture, to mention Mussolini, as I will have to delay the game whilst I pop him in the beezer, thank you), and finally HQ comes back on and requests more than somewhat sternly that we cease broadcasting our position, as they will send someone as soon as they can unless the Japs find us first, in which case it has been an honor serving with us. â€Å"Call and raise a buck. â€Å"So the squirt asks me do I kill Japs? And I tell him that I am killing so many Japs I have to come rest on his island for a few days to give the Japs a chance to send in reinforcements for me to kill, when out of the jungle comes a whole platoon of native guys, mostly real old guys, carrying baskets of fruit and coconuts and dried fish which they are laying at my feet after doing enough bowing and chanting to fill a year of encores on Broadway. â€Å"And the kid says, ‘You more powerful than Father Rodriquez. Japs kill him.' From which I figure where the kid learns to speak English and why I am seeing no young guys, because it is well known that the Japs have killed any missionaries they find and have taken most of the able-bodied native guys which they do not kill off to build airstrips and boat landing ramps and other Jap military stuff. â€Å"‘Yeah,' I tells the kid, ‘too bad about Father Rodriquez, and all the other guys that don't make it, but Vincent and the Sky Priestess is here now and you got nothing to worry about.' Then I inquire as to if there are any available dolls on the island and the kid jabbers something to one of the old guys, who wobbles off and comes back about ten minutes later with a line of young native dolls who are wearing skirts on their bottom but are nothing but bounce and bosoms on the top, except for the odd garnish of flowers here and there for fragrance and color. â€Å"I swear on my mother's grave (should she pass away before I get home) that I am looking at more brown curves than I have seen since I fly over the Mississippi at ten Gs, and they are by no means an unpleasant sight, but as soon as I pick out one of the young dolls and give her my best Tyrone Power wink, she starts bawling like I have broken her heart and runs into the jungle followed, posthaste, by the other lovelies until the airstrip is, once again, strictly stag. â€Å"‘What goes?' I ask the kid. And he explains that because I am a god the dames are most frightened that I will destroy them. Then the squirt starts bawling himself, and I am beginning to feel very low indeed, as I can see that the little guy has taken my god action and it is six to five that he thinks he is on the destruction express along with the dames, and some explanation and consolation are then needed to caulk the kid's waterworks and generally ease his mind. â€Å"So I sits down with the kid under the wing of the Sky Priestess and by and by along comes an old native guy with a jug of the local hooch, of which I am somewhat dubious and which tastes like matchheads mixed with dishwater but smooths out considerably after the first four or five belts, and soon the mood becomes most festive and a good time is had by all (except for Sparky, who is bending over the runway looking at everything he drinks for the second time). â€Å"Now all of this time I am thinking that the kid is running a game on me about being chief until he explains that the Japs killed his father and his older brother as examples and he is next in line, so he is chief whether he likes it or not. And now he is worried that his people will not have enough to eat, as the Japs have taken most of the fruit and coconuts and destroyed all the canoes and cargo, like rice, which the late Father Rodriquez brings in, and my heart is breaking for the kid, who should be playing stickball and stealing candy and other assorted kid activities instead of worrying about a whole population of citizens. So I look at my guys eating all the food the kid gives us, and my heart is feeling very heavy indeed, so I tell him not to worry, as Vincent and the Sky Priestess will see that his people get everything they need and I gives the kid a pack of Luckys and my Zippo to seal the promise. Then, as soon as Sparky finishes doing the rainbow yawn, I tells him t o get on the radio to a friend of mine who is in the quartermaster corps, and I gives him a list of things to place on the PT boat which is coming to get us. â€Å"So as the evening wears on, the kid is telling me stories of how the island was made by a dame from Yap who rides on a turtle with a basketful of dirt which she dumps in the ocean, making the island, which must have been quite some basket, and she tells all the children she is having on the island (although the kid says nothing about her having an old man) that she isn't going to give them a good reef for fishing, so they are going to be eating sharks. And although the people of all the other islands are afraid of sharks, here the sharks are afraid of the people. ‘They will be called the Shark People,' the dame with the dirt says. â€Å"And I says, ‘Yeah, I know that dame.' That, in fact, I take her to the races one day and she is such good luck that I win the trifecta for five Gs. And I can see the kid is most impressed, even though he wouldn't know a G from a G-string. So I begins to lay it on a bit thick and by the time we have consumed all of the local bug juice and most of the fruit and fish, the kid is convinced that if I am not the Second Coming, I am at least pinch-hitting that day. â€Å"By now I am feeling I am in serious need of female company and I mention this to the kid, who says maybe there is something he can do, as there is one doll in the village whose job it is to change the oil of the unmar-ried native guys (I am at once reminded of a costume optional dancer named Chintzy Bilouski, who performs a similar service for myself and many other unmarried male citizens in the Broadway district) and it seems that this native doll has been short of work of late, as all of the young un-married guys are either killed or taken away. And the kid says he will ap-proach this doll on my behalf if I promise that she will not burst into flames or be otherwise harmed and as long as I keep it quiet. As these are similar terms I agree to with Chintzy Bilouski (and a sawbuck cheaper, in fact), I tell the kid to lead the way, which he does. And soon we are in a big grass house by the beach, which he calls the bachelors' house, and which is clearly intended to house many ci tizens, but is currently only the home of one doll, who is by no means hard on the peepers and who proceeds immedi-ately to catch up on any work she has been missing in a most enthusiastic and friendly manner, if you know what I mean. â€Å"So, to make a long story short, the guys and I spend three more days telling stories to the kid and drinking bug juice and creeping to the bachel-ors' house until the PT boat shows with some mechanics and welders and all the supplies I have requested from my pal the quartermaster. And the islanders all line up while I pass out many machetes and knives and chocolate bars and various other luxuries from Uncle Sam. And that night they throw a big party in my honor with much drinking and dancing and a swell time is had by one and all. But as we are ready to leave, the kid chief comes up all leaky-eyed, asking why am I leaving and will I come back and what will his people do without me. So I promise him I will be back soon with many wonderful things and to save me a spot in the bach-elors' house, but until then, every time he sees a plane, he and his people will know that me and the Sky Priestess are looking out for them. â€Å"Then when we are back at base I am working something with the colonel to run a recon mission to inspect the airstrip for emergency use. No bombs. I am thinking we will fill the Sky Priestess up with medicine and supplies for the Shark kid and his people as soon as permission comes through. And I'm fully intending to come through, as I gives the kid my word and he believes it, but how am I to know that on our very next bombing run a squadron of Zeros will surprise us and fill the Sky Priestess with all manner of cannon and machine gun slugs, sending us down in a ball of flames and killing me and everyone aboard quite dead.† The guy with the beard cleared his throat and said, â€Å"That was a swell story the first dozen times we heard it, Vinnie, but are you going to talk or play cards?† â€Å"Bite me, Jewboy, it ain't like we haven't had to fight the yawns through your loaves and fishes epic a hundred fuckin' times.† Then Vincent flashed him a feral grin. â€Å"And since it is now your bet, I will advise you to fold, as I am now holding a hand that is so hot it is about to burst into flames like the proverbial bush.† The guy with the beard held up a punctured palm to silence Vincent. â€Å"You're holding a pair of eights, Vinnie.† â€Å"I hate fuckin' playing with you,† Vincent said. 25 We Ask the Gods for Answers and They Give us Questions Tucker Case heard the beating of wings above his head and suddenly there was a familiar little face in front of him. Roberto was hanging upside down from the harness ropes around Tuck's chest. He never thought he'd be glad to see the little vermin. â€Å"Roberto! Buddy!† Tuck smiled at the bat. Roberto squeaked and bent forward to lick Tucker's face. Tucker sputtered. He could smell papaya on the bat's breath. â€Å"How about climbing up there and gnawing through these ropes, little guy?† Roberto looked at him quizzically, then laid a big lick on him, right across the lips. â€Å"Ack! Bat spit!† Tuck heard a weak voice from above. â€Å"He no gnaw rope. His teeth too little,† Kimi said. Roberto took flight and landed on Kimi's head and began licking and clawing him ecstatically. Kimi was suspended about two feet above Tucker and about five feet away. It hurt his neck, but he could see the navigator dangling if he stretched. â€Å"You're alive!† Tucker said. â€Å"I thought you were dead.† â€Å"I am bery thirsty. Why you put us in tree?† â€Å"I didn't. It was an old island guy. I think he's going to eat us.† â€Å"No, no, no. No cannibal in these islands for many years.† â€Å"Good. You tell him that when he comes back.† Kimi struggled against his bonds and set himself spinning. â€Å"These ropes hurt on my arms. Someone put us in crab harness.† â€Å"I figured that out,† Tuck said. He craned his neck and eyed Kimi's harness. â€Å"Maybe I can swing to you and catch on to your harness. If I can get hold of it, I might be able to untie you.† â€Å"Good plan,† Kimi said. â€Å"Yankee know-how, kid.† As Tuck started to swing his arms and legs, he felt the harness tighten around his chest. Soon he was swinging in a wide elliptical pattern that brought him within a foot of Kimi, but the harness was so tight he could barely breathe. Weakened from lack of food and water, he gave up. â€Å"I can't breathe,† he gasped. â€Å"That good plan, though,† Kimi said. â€Å"Now I have Roberto bring that knife over by door of house and I cut the ropes. Okay?† â€Å"Roberto can fetch?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Why didn't you say so?† â€Å"I want to see Yankee know-how.† Sarapul tried to run back to his hut, but the pain in his ancient knees wouldn't allow him to move faster than a slow amble. If only he could ab-sorb the power of an enemy or two, perhaps the pain would subside and his strength would return along with his courage. It was courage he needed now. Instead, he had questions. Why, if Malink dreamed a message from Vincent, did the white bitch say that he did not? And if Vincent had sent a pilot, why did the Sky Priestess not know about him? And if Vincent had not sent a pilot, who is hanging in the breadfruit tree? In the old days Sarapul would have asked the turtle, his clan animal, for an answer to his questions. Then he would have watched the waves and listened to the wind for an answer, perhaps he would have gone to a sor-cerer for an interpretation. But he was too deaf and blind to see a sign now. And the only sorcerer left was the white man who lived behind the big fence and gave medicine to the Shark People: Vincent's Sorcerer. Sarapul didn't believe in Vincent any more than he believed in the god Father Rodriquez had worn around his neck on a chain. Father Rodriquez had said that the old ways – the taboos and the totem animals – were lies and that the skinny white god on the cross was the only real god. Sarapul was prepared to believe him, especially when he offered everyone a piece of the body of Christ. But Christ tasted like dried pounded taro and Father Rodriquez lost the old cannibal as a convert when he said that you would be thrown into fire forever if you ate anyone besides the stale starchy god on the cross. Then the Japanese came and cut off Father Rodriquez's head and threw his god on a chain into the sea. Sarapul knew for sure then that the Father had been lying all along. The Japanese raped and killed his wife and made his two sons work building the airstrip until they became sick and died. He asked the Turtle why his family had been taken away, and when the sign came in the form of a cloud shaped like an eel, the sorcerer said that it had happened because the Shark People had broken the taboos, had eaten their totem animals and taken fish from the forbidden reef: They were being punished. The next night Sarapul killed a Japanese soldier and built an oom to bake him in, but none of the Shark People would help him. Some were afraid of the god of Father Rodriquez and the rest were afraid of the Japanese. They took the body and fed it to the sharks who lived at the edge of the reef. In the morning the Japanese lined up the old sorcerer and a dozen children and machine-gunned them. And Sarapul lost his mind. Then the American planes came, dropping their bombs and fire from the sky for two days, and when the explosions stopped and the smoke cleared, the Japanese left, taking with them all the coconuts and breadfruit on the island. A week later Vincent arrived in the Sky Priestess. Sarapul still had the machete that the flyer had given him. It was more than he had ever gotten from Father Rodriquez's god, but the cannibal did not believe that Vincent was a god. Even if Vincent had scared away the Japanese and brought the food that saved the Shark People, Sarapul had angered the old gods before and he would not do it again. When the white Sorcerer arrived, he too talked of the god on the cross and although the Shark People took the food and medicine he gave them and even attended his services, they would not forsake Vincent, their savior. The god on the cross had let them down before. Eventually, the white Sorcerer turned to Vincent too. But Sarapul clung to the old ways, even when the Sky Priestess returned with her red scarf and explosions. It was all just entertainment: Christ was just a cracker, Vincent was just a flyer, and he, Sarapul, was a cannibal. Still, he did not blame Malink for banishing him or for clinging to Vincent's promises. Vincent was the god of Malink's childhood, and Malink clung to him in the same way that Sarapul clung to the old ways. Faith grew stronger when planted in a child. Sarapul knew that. He was mad, but he was not stupid. Until now he had never put an ounce of faith in Vincent, but this dream of Malink's vexed him. He would have to figure things out before he ate the man in his breadfruit tree. He had to talk to Malink now. The cannibal took the path that led into the village. He crept between the houses where the sweet rasp of snoring children wafted through the woven grass walls like the sizzle of frying pork, through the smoke of dying cook fires, past the bachelors' house, the men's house, and finally to the beach, where the men sat in a circle, drinking and talking softly, the moon spraying their shoulders with a cold blue light. The men continued to talk as Sarapul joined the circle, politely ignoring the creak and crackle of his old joints as he sat in the sand. Some of the younger men, those who had grown up with the disciplinary specter of the cannibal, subtly changed position so they could reach their knives quickly. Malink greeted Sarapul with a nod, then filled the coconut shell cup from the big glass jug and handed it to him. â€Å"No coffee or sugar for a month,† Malink said. â€Å"Vincent is angry.† Sarapul drained the cup and handed it back. â€Å"How about cigarettes?† â€Å"The Sorcerer says that cigarettes are bad.† â€Å"Vincent smoked cigarettes,† Sarapul pointed out. â€Å"He gave you the lighter.† The young men fidgeted at the firsthand reference to Vincent. It disturbed them when the old men spoke of Vincent as if he was a person. Malink reached inside the long flat basket where he kept the lighter along with his other personal belongings. He touched the Zippo that Vincent had given him. â€Å"Cigarettes aren't good for us,† he repeated. â€Å"Then they should give us cigarettes for punishment,† Sarapul insisted. Malink pulled a copy of People magazine from his basket, drawing everyone's attention away from the cannibal. The old chief tore a small square from the masthead page and handed it to Abo, a muscular young man who tended the tobacco patch for the Shark People. â€Å"Roll one,† Malink said. Abo began filling the paper with tobacco from his basket. Malink opened the magazine on the sand in front of him and squinted at the pages in the moonlight. Everyone in the circle leaned forward to look at the pictures. â€Å"Oprah's skinny again,† Malink pronounced. Sarapul scoffed and the men angrily looked up, the young ones looking away quickly when they saw who had made the noise. Abo finished rolling the cigarette and held it out to Malink. The chief gestured to Sarapul and Abo gave the smoke to the old cannibal. Their hands brushed lightly in the exchange and Sarapul held the young man's gaze as he licked his finger as if tasting a sweet sauce. Abo shuddered and backed to the outside of the circle. Malink lit the cigarette with the sacred Zippo, then he returned to his magazine. â€Å"There will be no more People for a while, not with the Sky Priestess mad at us.† A communal moan rose up from the men and the drinking cup was filled and passed. â€Å"We are cut off,† Malink added. Sarapul shrugged. â€Å"All the people in this book, they shit. It does not matter. They die. It does not matter. If we put them all in a big boat and sank it, you would not even know for six months when the Sky Priestess gives you her old copy, and it still would not matter. This is stupid.† â€Å"But look!† Malink pointed to a picture of a man with unnaturally large ears, â€Å"This man is a king and he wishes to be a tampon. It is quoted.† Sarapul scrunched up his face, his wrinkles folding over each other like venetian blinds, while he tried to figure out what, exactly, a tampon was. Finally he said, â€Å"I was a tampon once, back in the old days, before you were born. All warriors became tampons. It was better then.† â€Å"You have never been a tampon,† Malink stated, although he couldn't be sure. â€Å"Only a king may be a tampon. And now, without People, we will never know if this man who would be a tampon succeeded. It has been a dark day.† The cup had come around again to Sarapul and he drained it before answering. â€Å"Tell me of this dream you had.† â€Å"I should not speak of it.† Malink pretended to be engaged in the magazine. Sarapul pushed on. â€Å"The Sky Priestess said that Vincent spoke to you of a pilot. Is that true?† Malink nodded. â€Å"It is true. But it is only a dream or the Sorcerer would have known.† Sarapul was torn now. This was his chance to discredit the Sorcerer and his white bitch, but if he told Malink about the man in the tree, then he would lose his chance to taste the long pig again. Then again, he found them first, and he was willing to share the meat. â€Å"What if your dream was true?† â€Å"It was just a dream. Vincent speaks to us only through the Sky Priestess now. She has spoken.† â€Å"Vincent smoked and she says smoking is bad. Vincent was an enemy of the Japanese and now she has Japanese guards inside the fence. She lies.† Some of the men moved away from the circle. It was one thing to drink with a cannibal, but it was quite another to tolerate a heretic. (Of the twenty men in the circle, three of the elders were named John, four who had been born during Father Rodriquez's tenure were named Jesus [Hey-zeus], and three of the younger men were named Vincent.) They were a group that honored the gods, whoever the gods might be that week. â€Å"The Sky Priestess does not lie,† Malink said calmly. â€Å"She speaks for Vincent.† Sarapul pinched the flame of his cigarette with his ashy fingers, then popped the stub into his mouth and began to chew as he grinned. â€Å"Your dream was true, Malink. I have seen the pilot. He is on Alualu and he is alive.† â€Å"You are old and you drink too much.† â€Å"I'll show you.† Sarapul leaped to his feet to show that he was not drunk, and in doing so scared the hell out of the younger men. â€Å"Come with me,† he said. 26 Swing Time Kimi had freed his hands and feet with the knife, only to find that he could not reach the rope suspending him from the middle of his back. Now he was forced to follow Tuck's plan of swinging like a human pendulum until he could grab the pilot's rope and cut him down. Roberto hung upside down from a nearby branch, wondering why his friends were behaving like fighting spiders. Tucker found he could only hold his head up for a few seconds at a time before dizziness set in, so he watched the navigator's swinging shadow to gauge his distance. â€Å"One more time, Kimi. Then grab the rope.† It bothered him some that when he was cut loose he would fall six feet and land face-first in the coral gravel, but he was learning to take things as they came and figured he would deal with that on the way down. â€Å"I hear someone,† Kimi said. On the apex of his arc, he grabbed for Tuck's rope, missed, and accidentally raked the knife across the pilot's scalp. â€Å"Ouch! Shit, Kimi. Watch what you're doing.† Tuck braced himself for the next attack, which never came. He looked up to see that Kimi's arc had been stopped in mid-swing. A rotund gray-haired native had caught the navigator around the waist and was prying the knife out of his hand. Tuck felt the hope drain out of him. The leathery old cannibal stood amid a group of twenty men. All of them seemed to be waiting for the fat guy to say something. It was time for a last-ditch effort. â€Å"Look, you motherfuckers, people are expecting me. I'm supposed to be flying medical supplies for a big-time doctor, so if you fuck with me you're all going to die of the tropical creeping crud and I won't give you so much as a fucking aspirin.† The native released Kimi into the hands of two younger men and regarded Tuck. â€Å"You pilot?† He said in English. â€Å"Damn right I am. And I'm sick and infected and stuff, so if you eat me you're going to die like a gut-shot dog – and in addition I would like to add that I don't taste anything like Spam.† Tuck was breathless from the diatribe and he was starting to black out from trying to hold his head back. The native said something in his own language, which Tuck took to be â€Å"Cut him down,† because a second later he found himself falling into the arms of four strong islanders who lowered him to the ground. Tucker's arms and legs burned as the blood rushed back into them. Above him he saw a circle of moonlit brown faces. He managed to grab enough breath to squeak, â€Å"Soon as I'm on my feet, your asses are mine. You all might as well just go practice falling down for a while so you'll be used to it. Just order the body bags now 'cause when I'm done, you're going to look like piles of chocolate pudding. They'll be cleaning you up with shovels – you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Tuck's breath caught in his throat and he passed out. Malink looked at his old friend Favo and smiled. â€Å"Excellent threat,† he said. â€Å"Most excellent threat,† Favo said. Sarapul pushed his way through the kneeling men. â€Å"He's dead. Let's eat him.† â€Å"He no like that,† Kimi said. â€Å"Not even for free.† The Sorcerer heard the lab door open and turned from his microscope just in time to catch her as she ran into his arms. â€Å"Did you see, ‘Bastian? Was I great or what?† He held her for a second, smelling the perfume in her hair. â€Å"You were great,† he said. When he released her, there were two pink spots on his lab coat from the rouge she had rubbed on her nipples. She skipped around the lab like a little girl. â€Å"Malink was shaking in his shoes,† she said. Well, not in his shoes, but you know what I mean.† She stopped and looked into the microscope. â€Å"What's this?† He watched a delicate line of muscle run down the back of her thigh and postulated what kind of genetics went into preserving a body like that on Chee-tos and vodka. He thought a lot about genetics lately. â€Å"I'm doing the last of the tissue typing. I should be finished in a couple of days.† She said, â€Å"Did you like ‘String of Pearls' better than ‘In the Mood'?† High Priestess of the nonsequiter, Sebastian thought. â€Å"It was perfect. You were perfect.† She moved away from the microscope and paced around the table, frowning now, as if she was working on an equation in her head. â€Å"I've been thinking about ‘Pennsylvania 6-5000,' putting the ninjas in top hats and tails in kind of a chorus line. You know, they could carry me across the runway and pause and shout the chorus. There's no singing on the re-cording; they would just have to shout. I mean, if we have to have them around, they might as well do something.† She stopped pacing and turned to him. â€Å"What do you think?† It took Sebastian a second to realize that she was serious. â€Å"I'm not sure that would be a good idea. The Shark People are suspicious of the nin – , the guards. I wish Akiro would have listened to me and found some non-Japanese. This business with Malink's dream is a sign that our credibility is slipping.† â€Å"That's what I'm saying. If we show that they're under the control of the Sky Priestess – â€Å" â€Å"I don't think it's a good idea, Beth.† She dismissed the thought with a wave. â€Å"Fine. We can talk about it later.† Sebastian wanted to stop himself before he ruined her ebullient mood, but he pressed on despite himself. â€Å"Don't you think that no coffee or sugar for a month was a little harsh?† â€Å"You really don't get it, do you? I'll give it all back after a week, ‘Bastian, and they'll love me for it. Generosity of the gods: The Sky Priestess taketh away and the Sky Priestess giveth back. It's how these things work. You put a few people on a boat, then you drown every living creature on the planet – the people on the boat are pretty goddamn grateful.† She flipped the end of her red scarf over her shoulder. â€Å"I wish you wouldn't talk like that.† â€Å"You make the rules and you play the game, ‘Bastian. What's wrong with that?† He turned from her and pretended to go through some notes. â€Å"I guess you're right,† he said, but he felt acid rising from his stomach. She was calling it a game. She came up behind him, pushed her breasts into his back, and reached around inside his lab coat. â€Å"Poor baby. You still feel like you did the right thing by burning your Beatles records.† â€Å"Beth, please.† She unzipped his khakis and snaked her hand in his fly. â€Å"Deep down, you feel like John Lennon got what he deserved, don't you, sweetheart? Saying he was more popular than Jesus. That loony-toon Chapman was the instrument of God, wasn't he?† He whirled on her and grabbed her shoulders. â€Å"Yes, dammit.† His face had gone hot. He could feel the veins pulse in his forehead, in his crotch. â€Å"That's enough, Beth.† â€Å"No, it's not.† She ripped open the front of his trousers and fell back on the lab table, pulling him on top of her. â€Å"Come on, show me the wrath of the Sorcerer.†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Breast cancer and possible solution of Mammograms

Breast malignant neoplastic disease occurs when chest cells grow abnormally and uncontrollably. It is the most common malignant neoplastic disease in the UK. This is indicated in the pie chart below where chest malignant neoplastic disease histories for the highest per centum happening among adult females, that is approximately 26 % . An estimated 46 000 adult females are diagnosed every twelvemonth. [ 1 ] The two chief hazard factors for chest malignant neoplastic disease are gender – being a adult female and age – turning older. [ 2 ] In fact 8 out of 10 of the diagnosed patients are adult females above 50 old ages old. [ 1 ] 90 % of chest malignant neoplastic disease is caused by environmental factors while the staying 10 % is due to familial defect. [ 2 ] Breast malignant neoplastic disease can be treated if it is detected at an early phase, doing the patients ‘ opportunities of endurance greater. Among the symptoms of chest malignant neoplastic disease are th e presence of a ball or thickener in the chest tissue. Figure 1: Cancer occurance among adult females.A Possible Solution – MammogramIn my sentiment all adult females particularly those above the age of 50 and those with a strong household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease should travel for regular mammographic showing. A mammogram is really of import for chest malignant neoplastic disease showing and early sensing. It is an X-ray exposure of the chests where consequences are studied to observe any abnormalcies or locations of leery tissue. Harmonizing to the National Health Service ( NHS ) UK, 1 400 lives are saved because of testing. [ 4 ] There are a few differences between testing mammograms and other mammograms. Screening mammography is carried out when there is no ball or seeable marks of malignant neoplastic disease. However, if a specific ball demands to be looked at, so a diagnostic mammography is done. Here my research is based on testing mammography. [ 25 ] There is a important difference in sentiment sing how frequently adult females should travel for mammograms. The American Cancer Society ( ACS ) suggests that all adult females over 40 should travel for mammograms one time every twelvemonth while the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) of the US advises adult females to travel every 1-2 old ages. [ 5 ] I agree with NCI as their suggestion would intend that adult females are non exposed to radiation excessively frequently. Increased exposure to radiation increases the hazard of acquiring malignant neoplastic disease. Figure 2: Woman undergoing mammogram. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( 396 words ) A mammogram is conducted on an outpatient footing and stopping points for about 30 proceedingss. [ 6 ] During the process, a qualified radiotherapist intially places merely one chest on a little level home base that has an X-ray home base under it. Above the chest there is another level home base. The machine presses the chest down between the home bases keeping the chest in place and bettering the acuteness of the image. When the chest is compressed, there is a small uncomfortableness. [ 7 ] Small explosions of radiation, something like wireless moving ridges is produced by the tubings in the machine and is passed through the chests. The image formed is recorded on photographic movie or a particular digital image entering home base. The chest is less heavy in comparing to the tumour. Therefore the chest appears in grey sunglassess on the mammography while the tumour is white and the air is black as it is the least dense. Figure 3: Breast malignant neoplastic disease tumour shown( hypertext transfer protocol: // )( 556 words ) A radiotherapist will analyze the images and look out for any marks of malignant neoplastic disease. A signed study is sent to the physician who will explicate the consequences to the adult female. When a adult female goes for this process, she is told non to have on any deodourant, pulverization or lotion in her axillas or her chest as these would look as calcium musca volitanss on the mammogram. [ 6 ] Sometimes alternatively of tumours physicians may happen cysts, calcifications and fibroadenomas on the mammograms. Calcifications are non breast malignant neoplastic disease but can be an indicant of precancer. They are little measures of Ca that appear in the soft tissue of the chest. Fibroadenomas are benign tumours made of hempen and glandular chest tissue that are removed as a precautional measure. Cysts are benign unstable – filled pouch that are non related to malignant neoplastic disease. [ 8 ] ( 693 words )EffectivenessFigure 4: Breast malignant neoplastic disease rates by phase Figure 5: Breast malignant neoplastic disease mortality rates( hypertext transfer protocol: // )From the first graph, it is observed that the rate of early diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease had significantly improved because of the addition in the figure of adult females who underwent mammography. Consequently, the rate of late diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease decreased. The 2nd graph shows that when chest malignant neoplastic disease is detected early, there is a diminution in the mortality rate. [ 9 ] I strongly believe that naming chest malignant neoplastic disease early through mammography helps better adult females ‘s opportunities of endurance. ( 836 words ) A newspaper article by Reuters in Washington, US dated October 6th 2009 stated that a survey conducted by US research workers found that 75 % of adult females who died of chest malignant neoplastic disease ne'er had a mammogram, or were diagnosed after their first of all time mammogram. [ 22 ] Dr Blake Cady of Cambridge Hospital Breast Cancer and Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts said: â€Å" Womans who are in testing programmes have merely a 4.7 % mortality. Womans who are non screened have a 56 % mortality. †( hypertext transfer protocol: // )To further turn out mammogram effectivity, below is a drumhead from a existent life chest malignant neoplastic disease subsister. [ 10 ] Pam ‘s narrative ‘Diagnosed at 46 with chest malignant neoplastic disease, after holding skipped her mammogram for a twosome of old ages, Pam ‘s intervention involved mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy. She wants adult females to acquire an one-year mammogram, get downing at age 40, to catch malignant neoplastic disease early and avoid extended intervention like hers. ‘( hypertext transfer protocol: // pl=stories & A ; item=1 # narratives )( 969 words )DeductionsWhile carry oning this research, I encountered one societal issue that is, non all adult females realize the importance of acquiring a mammogram. This degree of consciousness varied due to different degrees of instruction among the adult females. The graph below supports my statement. Percentage of US adult females aged 40 and older who Have Had a Mammogram in the last 2 old ages by Education Level Figure 6( hypertext transfer protocol: // )Based on the graph adult females with more than a college instruction are most likely to hold had a mammogram in the last 2 old ages compared to adult females with lower degrees of instruction. [ 11 ] I think these adult females are cognizant of this of import showing tool. I besides feel at that place should be more public wellness instruction because a deficiency of information can take to misinformation. For illustration, Indian adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease have to utilize separate utensils because of the mistaken believe that the disease is contagious. [ 24 ] ( 1133 words ) I would besides wish to turn to an economical issue refering the usage of mammograms. The American Cancer Society suggests that adult females above 40 should acquire a mammogram every twelvemonth but many adult females are forced to jump their mammograms because they merely can non afford it. Research workers at Brown University in 2002, discovered mammograms bing US $ 400 is a challenge for many adult females. [ 20 ] Despite this, conditions in the US are still non every bit bad as in some underdeveloped states as seen in quotation mark below. â€Å" The United States spends about US $ 8.1 billion to name and handle chest malignant neoplastic disease, but in the metropolis of Poona, India, place to 3.5 million adult females, merely one medical installation provides comprehensive chest malignant neoplastic disease diagnostic and intervention services. †( Masilamany J. , February 5th 2009, page 12 )Besides, adult females populating in destitute states like Kenya feel incapacitated and merely wait to decease because they can non afford to travel abroad for intervention. It is expected that by 2020, 70 % of all chest malignant neoplastic disease instances will be in hapless states. [ 24 ] This is why I think authoritiess should seek to happen a manner to guarantee all adult females get their mammograms done. ( 1325 words )Benefits and Risks of MammographyA picture by ‘NHS picks ‘ entitled â€Å" Having A Mammogram † highlights the advantages of holding a mammography as it can observe abnormalcies which are 3-4 millimetres in size. These abnormalcies are impossible to experience if a individual were to analyze her ain chests. [ 21 ] Sometimes a mammogram is more accurate than other diagnostic processs. A specific form of Ca sedimentations known to do chest malignant neoplastic disease can merely be seen clearly on a mammogram. [ 25 ] Having a mammography would non go forth any radiation in a patient ‘s organic structure. X raies usually have no side effects in the diagnostic scope. A tumour detected early is more likely to be cured. [ 6 ] Mammograms have certain defects nevertheless. Sometimes false-negatives can happen. This is when chest malignant neoplastic disease is present even though the mammograms appear normal. It happens largely in immature adult females because they have denser chests compared to older adult females whose chests are more fatty devising tumours easy seeable on mammograms. At the same clip, false-positives besides occur because radiotherapists erroneously decide the mammograms are unnatural when really there is no malignant neoplastic disease nowadays. This causes unneeded anxiousness and emphasis for the adult female. To avoid false-positives, an ultrasound and a biopsy is conducted. The doses of X ray in mammograms is really little but when it is done repeatedly it is harmful and can increase the hazard of acquiring malignant neoplastic disease. [ 13 ] ( 1546 words )Alternate SolutionsNew ‘Breast Pap Smear ‘An article titled New ‘Breast Pap Smear ‘ was written by Duke Medicine News and Communications. This trial is presently undergoing three clinical tests countrywide in the US. It works by utilizing a really narrow acerate leaf to take cells from subdivisions of the whole chest. [ 15 ] The quotation mark below farther explains the trial. Dr Victoria Seewaldt, a scientist and chest oncologist at the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center said: â€Å" Merely as we do with a cervical pablum vilification, we can now study cells from the whole chest, analyze them under the microscope and trial for early alterations that frequently precede breast malignant neoplastic disease. Then we can give adult females a preventative agent to see if we can eliminate her unnatural cells and therefore prevent malignant neoplastic disease from developing. †( hypertext transfer protocol: // )A specific cistron known as RAR beta controls how breast cells use vitamin A to guarantee their good wellness. Research done has shown that the cistrons in chest malignant neoplastic disease patients lose its ability to map. This ‘pap vilification ‘ trial can observe the presence or absence of this cistron. Without it, the possibility of developing malignant neoplastic disease is higher. Hence RAR beta Acts of the Apostless as a molecular marker to find the oncoming of malignant neoplastic diseas e. [ 15 ] I strongly believe that the new chest ‘pap vilification ‘ is an first-class discovery in the battle against chest malignant neoplastic disease. Once the clinical tests are deemed successful, this should be carried out on all adult females. ( 1785 words )Ultrasound ImagingUltrasound Imaging, besides known as Ultrasound Scanning provides images of the internal constructions of the chests. During an ultrasound, a doctor may utilize Doppler Techniques to measure the blood flow or deficiency of blood flow in a chest mass. At times it is possible to find the cause of the mass. Doppler ultrasound is a technique used to measure blood flow through a blood vas. Breast ultrasound maps to assist name breast abnormalcies detected during a physical scrutiny and to qualify possible abnormalcies seen on a mammogram. A chest lesion detected and classified sometimes can non be interpreted adequately through mammography entirely. An ultrasound can besides distinguish if an abnormalcy is solid or fluid-filled ( benign cyst ) or both solid and cystic. A solid may be a benign or malignant tumour. Ultrasounds show extra characteristics of the unusual countries on the chest. [ 14 ] Figure 4: A patient undergoing a chest ultrasound.( hypertext transfer protocol: // image=LbreastMR-vnr-009.jpg & A ; pg=breastus & A ; pid=1, )( 1936 words )Beginning EvaluationIn my sentiment, the ‘National Health Service Choices UK ‘ web site ( ) is really comprehensive and factual. This beginning aims to give nonsubjective information and counsel to the populace on chest malignant neoplastic disease. It is approved by a clinical expert and is funded by the Department of Health. It has been certified as a dependable wellness and societal attention information beginning by The Information Standard and has to run into certain editorial policies. So I think this is a reputable beginning. I retrieved information on the importance of holding a mammogram for early diagnosing of chest malignant neoplastic disease as stated on page 9. The undermentioned two web sites ; hypertext transf er protocol: // pl=stories & A ; item=1 # narratives and hypertext transfer protocol: // pg=mammo # part_one besides provided the same information. An article from the Time magazine entitled The Changing Face Of Breast Cancer, volume 170 published in October 2007 is another dependable beginning. I believe this article was good researched because it has included positions from adult females across the universe. This article gives facts and figures supported by other beginnings. For illustration, the quotation mark on page 8 by Masilamany J, from the Sun newspaper can be found in this article. Besides, the information that chest malignant neoplastic disease is the most common disease among adult females is besides found in: hypertext transfer protocol: // Most_common_cancers_-_female, _by_occurence.png ) . ( 2143 words )

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on GATE Education Programs

Started in the 1970’s, America’s Gifted & Talented programs have been used to enhance the curriculum of students included in either category in order to challenge and strengthen their unique abilities. These students are usually provided a separate class with specialized lessons in all areas and a teacher whom many times holds a special degree, credential, or certificate in gifted education. It is important that the teacher empathize with these students, and understand what the students must sometimes face as "above average" members of their school. One of the earliest programs for gifted and talented students was set up in 1974, at The Old Donation Center, in Virginia Beach. Students scoring within the top 3% of students on an assessment test are referred here to be further challenged. These students are considered gifted and have special teachers and classes to promote development of their talents and minds. Programs like this began to pop up around the nation in the 70’s; however, gifted students were looked down upon by teachers, parents, and peers. Many people considered them to be "freaks" because they were different. They didn’t understand the implications of the terms "gifted" and "talented". Most people simply expected gifted students to act more mature or to be geniuses, even though gifted students are the same as other children in their needs as human beings. Some gifted students were forced to grow up too fast and some simply ignored the fact that they were smarter than others, thus, they were lost in the shuffle. The irony of it all is that gifted-ness seems to run in families and the children of these repressed gifted students are, themselves, gifted. But what exactly is a "gifted" student? Students (elementary & secondary) are given a repertoire of tests. These tests check IQ, psychomotor ability, specific academ... Free Essays on GATE Education Programs Free Essays on GATE Education Programs Started in the 1970’s, America’s Gifted & Talented programs have been used to enhance the curriculum of students included in either category in order to challenge and strengthen their unique abilities. These students are usually provided a separate class with specialized lessons in all areas and a teacher whom many times holds a special degree, credential, or certificate in gifted education. It is important that the teacher empathize with these students, and understand what the students must sometimes face as "above average" members of their school. One of the earliest programs for gifted and talented students was set up in 1974, at The Old Donation Center, in Virginia Beach. Students scoring within the top 3% of students on an assessment test are referred here to be further challenged. These students are considered gifted and have special teachers and classes to promote development of their talents and minds. Programs like this began to pop up around the nation in the 70’s; however, gifted students were looked down upon by teachers, parents, and peers. Many people considered them to be "freaks" because they were different. They didn’t understand the implications of the terms "gifted" and "talented". Most people simply expected gifted students to act more mature or to be geniuses, even though gifted students are the same as other children in their needs as human beings. Some gifted students were forced to grow up too fast and some simply ignored the fact that they were smarter than others, thus, they were lost in the shuffle. The irony of it all is that gifted-ness seems to run in families and the children of these repressed gifted students are, themselves, gifted. But what exactly is a "gifted" student? Students (elementary & secondary) are given a repertoire of tests. These tests check IQ, psychomotor ability, specific academ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

project management assignment Essay

project management assignment Essay project management assignment Essay Project management Bsc. oil & gas PROJECT GHANA CHERYL HALL ID. NO. 26578 GERRMAINE RICHARDS ID. NO. JAYNE MELROSE OKECHUKWU GODWIN NWOHA Introduction: The rise in carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses into the earth atmosphere is a growing concern for our global world.( A.Kahogirou 2014). As a result of this, many countries around the world have decided to diversify into alternative energy sources, namely solar energy, and other forms of alternative energy. Solar energy is created when solar panels convert sunlight into usable energy; the most common form of solar power utilizes photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into solar electricity (A.Cota, etal 2009) In this report we will briefly outline our aims and objectives (British Energy Group), and that of our clients (Bio-Green), stakeholder analysis, project objectives, the benefits of this type of project, and the project management miles stones. We the British Energy Group have been commissioned by an American energy company Bio-Green to make and install solar panel in Ghana in the remote village of Apoungo to boast their energy supply; we will be working in conjunction with the Ghana government. The Resource Centre for Energy Economics and Regulation Report 2011 states that Ghana needs to produce 10% more renewable energy by 2020 to be efficient. With regard to energy and electricity consumption and production there is government initiative to promote the use of electricity for pro duction in the cottage industry in Ghana ( As there is a link between economic growth and carbon emissions (IEA 2014) wood fuel in Ghana currently stands at 60% and is set to rise to 66 million tonnes by 2020, the total petroleum consumption is currently 33% which is 1.6 million bp/d but will rise to an estimated 4.5 mbp/d by 2020 according to the Ghanaian energy statistics. Miles stone 1 Project objective: The objective of this project is to design, build and install solar panels in Apoungo village in Ghana to provide affordable efficient source of energy, reduce carbon emissions, and to facilitate economic development in this village. To use Bio-green’s innovative technology to minimize Ghana’s power crisis, by providing energy efficient solar panels that is cost effective and affordable. Our panels will help to mitigate the impact of current shortfall that causes intermittent power cuts. Install our panels to bridge the gap between demand and supply and thereby ease the pain of local Ghanaians. We aim to increase the supply of solar power supply which currently stands at around 2% to 3% by the end of the project to increase electricity capacity generation from 400MW to 600MW.( Kew Elements: The key elements of this project are the solar panels, batteries, inverters, performance monitoring units and utility meters. Project time Frame: The timeframe for this project is 12 months we have mitigated possible delays; therefore we aim to finish the project 2wks ahead of schedule. Start date June 12th 2015 and End date June 12th 2016. Project budget: The British Energy Group has been given a budget of  £500,000.00-  £1000,000.00 to complete this project, with 5% incentive if the project is completed ahead of schedule, we aim to use this as our contingency budget to mitigate delays or shortfall . We aim to enter contractual agreement with suppliers to mitigate delays and failure to meet their obligations. Project Financier: The project is being financed by Bio-green an American energy company. Bio-green is global market leader in the energy sector and aims to use our consultancy expertise to manage to the instillation and build of this project, with access to their field experts and technological know -how, and capital market reach. Mile stone 3 Assignment Brief: Within this project management task we have been asked to identify and research three possible projects; we looked at thee possible projects:- 1 Bio-mas fuel converter: we did a

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Bridges Bridges Bridges By Maeve Maddox The bridge is one of the most basic human concepts. A tiny child playing with sticks and puddles knows to build a bridge. Not surprisingly, the word bridge, as both noun and verb, has found its way into numerous idioms and expressions. A bridge is a structure forming or carrying a road over a river, ravine, or the like in order to provide a passage between two points. The verb bridge is transitive. Literally, one bridges rivers and gaps: His first contract was to bridge the Monongahela River with an 8-span, 1500-foot-long bridge. The first effort to bridge the gap [between Patna and Sonepur] was Rajendra Setu in 1959. Figuratively, one bridges figurative gaps: 15 Ways to Bridge the Gap Between IT and Business Can Academics Bridge the Gap Between the Academy and the Mainstream Reading Public? Because bridges represent firm connections and safe passage, the noun bridge is used to denote anything that brings people of differing ideas and cultures together in a positive manner: Turkish language a bridge to understanding Service dogs provide a bridge for autistic children to connect with the world†¦ The noun bridge is also used to denote a transition or a cyber connection: With the electronic forms server, our paperless e-forms solution creates a bridge between forms and an ECM/EDM system, A Network Bridge is a hardware or a software [program] that connects two or more networks – maybe one a wired one and the other a wireless one – so that they can communicate with each other. An expression commonly heard in planning sessions is â€Å"We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.† The meaning is that future problems must be dealt with as they arise. Sometimes it’s wise advice, but sometimes it’s an excuse for not planning for consequences. Here are two more bridge idioms: water under the bridge: something that has happened and cannot be changed. For example, these headlines: Cold War no longer water under the bridge as ships sail to Syria Toledo May Say That Its Water Under the Bridge, but Its Still Payback Time like painting the Forth Bridge: an endless task. The Forth Bridge, a cantilever railway bridge across the Firth of Forth in Scotland, is 8,296 feet long. The saying arose from the idea that by the time maintenance workers starting at one end of the bridge had finished painting it, the bridge would need repainting from the beginning. Here’s a recent use of the idiom: Keeping one of Perthshire’s most spectacular mountains in top condition is like â€Å"painting the Forth Bridge†, the expert in charge of its care has said. The most recent painting of the Forth Bridge took 400 men ten years to complete. This time they applied a triple layer of glass flake epoxy paint that is expected to last until about 2036. The card game called Bridge has nothing to do with the kind that spans water. The game is thought to have originated in the Near East. The game’s name of Bridge may be an alteration of a Turkish word called out during play. This illustration in the OED shows the use of a strange word used by English-speaking bridge players in the 19th century: The one declaring may, instead of declaring trumps, say ‘Biritch’, which means that the hands shall be played without trumps. J. Collinson Biritch 2  Ã‚  (1886). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†60 Synonyms for â€Å"Trip†English Grammar 101: Prepositions

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Interpersonal and Intercultural Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Interpersonal and Intercultural Paper - Essay Example The senior management must be willing to tolerate dissent in order to ensure informed and responsible decision-making in appointing effective departmental management heads. Richard Johanneson (2002) concluded that ethical issues that arise in human behavior have a significant impact on other people when the behavior entails conscious choice of means and ends, and when the behavior is judged by standards of right and wrong. According to utilitarian ethics, interpersonal communication ethics must aim at benefiting all parties and should focus on the consequences of the decisions or actions. On the other hand, virtue ethics requires the communicators to respect the moral character and dignity of a person during communication and avoid unethical practices such as deception, coercion, tapping telephones and inappropriate jokes.The current changes in departmental management heads have shifted the perceptions of power in the hospital thus leading to conflicts. The event has generated power imbalances and misuse of power thus hindering effective communication and interpersonal relationships in the hospital. The junior staff members perceive the new departmental heads as very powerful due to the position power attached to their title in the hospital. The new management of the department has excess informational power and have hindered effective horizontal communication in the hospital.Conflicts at the hospital can lead to hostility and resentment thus hurting interpersonal relationships between the employees.

Friday, October 18, 2019

A Human Character to the Corporation From a Moral Perspective Research Paper

A Human Character to the Corporation From a Moral Perspective - Research Paper Example Corporations law and partnership law are currently separate. However, current amendments to the Partnership Act of 1892 (NSW) have made provision for LLP and ILPs, with the facility of limited liability being extended in these cases to promote innovation and risk-taking. While this could address the limited use of partnerships due to their inability to restrict liability5, it also allows for benefits to be gleaned by foreign investors and large entrepreneurs, promoting a capitalistic structure that may not necessarily be beneficial to Australian interests. If the limited liability benefits of a corporation are to be extended to small partnership like arrangements of a few Directors who also share profits among themselves as in the Ebrahimi case, then the taxation laws must be amended 6 and the Partnership Act of New South Wales must be amended to permit such business to take advantage of tax reforms. This will enable issues of fairness and equity of a partnership where partners/inves tors owe each other a duty of good faith to co-exist successfully with the limited liability of corporations. The purpose of including disclosure through prospectuses for securities was mainly (a) to protect investors from underlying risks (b) enhance the efficiency of the securities market and (c) prevent fraud. Ruth Hines discovered that although the financial statements that are a part of such reports are considered vital, only those experienced in accounting were able to understand them sufficiently to make their decisions on the basis of those reports.

Social Therapeutic Work Practices Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Therapeutic Work Practices - Article Example The therapist will have to extend his assessment to describe the client’s inherent reaction to environmental and social conditions that frequently spark violent responses. Therapists dealing with African American youths should transform some of the symbols and rites used in clandestine and corrupt ways into Microsystems that instill therapeutic change. Urban adolescents that engage in illegal behaviors value the symbols and ceremonies since they induce a sense of security and support (Toldson & Toldson, 1999, p. 77). The symbols and rites can thus be helpful in showing clients that they will still benefit when they change. It is also important to use the African-centered instructional material. The therapists should thus establish secret codes, phrases, symbols, and rites of passage that closely resemble those of West Africa. The incorporation of these elements will help the clients to appreciate greatly and understand group processes and improve the compatibility of the processes with African ethos. Dealing with Africa American clients requires prompting of initiative behaviors within the group. As such, therapists should interweave typical therapeutic factors (such as the installation of universality, hope, imparting information, and altruism) with esoteric group therapy. The process of attaining the factors within some cultural groups should involve cultural awareness. When working with clients from an individual culture, group therapy alone will not be enough. It is important to incorporate the traditional group therapy with conceptions and perspectives from that particular culture.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Double Reckoning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Double Reckoning - Essay Example The cracking of early morning light, darkness has enveloped the ship. And because we have been sailing for God knows how long, the men are becoming more irritable and anxious. The Captain has to do all that he could, for morale and for avoiding mutiny. It started as a low rumble at first. That was a sound difficult to understand, for it is coming from the hearts of overjoyed men. This emotion was almost alien to all on board for it seems to be only yesterday when all hope is lost. It seems just a few nights ago when everybody seemed so sure that this was a lost cause. The journey it seems is staggering like drunken seamen moving at a very slow pace. It was confusing and disheartening that some had questioned the accuracy of the instruments and the calculations. Aided only by the faint light from the moon it was unmistakable that we saw hills, trees and wild flowers that bloom. The area is rugged and strong but we have come for this and we will rise to the challenge of the last remain ing obstacle. This is it. Yet a glance sideways to the Captain revealed an unexpected sight. He seemed subdued and poised. He seemed not wanting to join the spontaneous party on board. This is the end of all desire for this voyage. When it seems so close it seems the vision before him knocked the breath out of him. But it was only temporary. ... It was confusing and disheartening that some had questioned the accuracy of the instruments and the calculations. Yet when everybody seemed to drown their sorrow in sleep, it was the time when the watchman bellowed a scream of pure delight. Ahoy! Land! And the officers took turns in peering through the scope as they themselves could not believe that the fate of the mission has suddenly turned into something good and great. Aided only by the faint light from the moon it was unmistakable that we saw hills, trees and wild flowers that bloom. The area is rugged and strong but we have come for this and we will rise to the challenge of the last remaining obstacle. This is it. Yet a glance sideways to the Captain revealed an unexpected sight. He seemed subdued and poised. He seemed not wanting to join the spontaneous party on board. This is the end of all desire for this voyage. When it seems so close it seems the vision before him knocked the breath out of him. But it was only temporary. At the crack of dawn, when everything is clear, when the new world is in full view, the heart is ready to do battle. Here is a new world to be shaped according to the patron's desire. Here is a new world needing a helping hand to be civilized and indoctrinated. Right before their eyes is all that they expected and more. Do they have what it takes Sooner than later the shores will be filled with natives. On whether they will welcome us with open arms or raise it with poisoned arrows only time can tell. As the ships approach these are buoyed not only from the fresh swells but the lightness of feeling as well. Then we begin to focus on the task on hand. The new world is not yet paradise it has to be subdued first and

2. Individual Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

2. Individual Report - Coursework Example With its advanced technology it is used by many consumers since it fits their needs. Moreover, the report gives a clear view of how the Sony products make an impact in the market, the strategy that can make Sony more lucrative, the brand loyalty of the camera and the importance of customer satisfaction. The main aim of the report is to understand the Sony camera as a brand and the consumer fulfilment with its products. Understanding of the product gives better decision making for both the company and the users of its products. Therefore, the report’s aim is to deduce the value of both the camera’s impact as a brand and the approval by its users There are several objectives in this report that span from defining Sony camera brand, making a strategy for Sony camera, research the brand loyalty, analysis and evaluation of Sony camera brand equity and importance of customer satisfaction. To amaze its customers, Sony merges the excellent knowledge with its innovative technology. Sony is known for producing great audio-visual technology by its virtue of leading edge technology. Sony has always maintained its vision through offering modern technology and digital concepts while working together with the consumers. By doing so, the company stands to sell excellence to its users. Moreover, their consistency and dedication toward service moves the company closer to the customers. The company boasts the only camera without a mirror-less system. The superior nature of the company in audio- visual technology gives the company a better edge in the market. The production of this type of mirror-less camera opens a new dawn for camera technology having being a dream in the preceding years. Despite the fact that Sony has built its name in the entire electronics industry, their camera house is a home to a range of cameras. Moreover, the company is recognised for its reliability

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mobile Van Restaurant Company Analysis Coursework

Mobile Van Restaurant Company Analysis - Coursework Example The name of the mobile van restaurant suggested is Fastbite Inc. and the target group of our business would be the executives who belong to the white and the blue collar working class. The van would operate from 6 am in the morning to 10 pm and we will sell breakfast such as raffles near Singapore MRT station car park or central of Singapore. However, in the afternoon during 11 to 2 pm, we will sell lunch in areas such as Tuas, Loyang Way or Woodand while after 2-5pm, we will deliver orders to our customers. Mobile van restaurants were more commonly found in Somerset MRT and East Coast Park but there are many other areas where can be covered by us. Besides serving the areas where factories are located, we will also sell food in deserted areas because this is the place where food is not available and it is also easy to locate vans in these areas since they are movable. Therefore, we will also sell food in boon lay area forest which is the place where the soldiers are trained. Since no thing is available for the soldiers to eat, they will buy the food we will offer them so the risk will be low. However, in the cities there are many other restaurants and options available to the customers which would make it difficult for us to attract the customers. The population of Singapore is 4,740,737 and 77% of the population falls in the age group of 15 to 64 years of age. Singapore has a 92.5% of literacy rate and unemployment rate of 2.1% which means that most of the population is employed which means that none of the individual living in Singapore lives below poverty line and even the rate of inflation is just 2.8%.1 Business Operation and management We will sell ready packed food which will be prepared from a home based kitchen and the mobile van will be used for selling purpose only. We will require both physical and human capital which will be our key resources to operate the business. For the van, we will hire two individuals while for the kitchen, we will hire three people to cook, pack and receive orders. For the need of physical capital we will buy a van. Convenience is the main benefit that we aim to give to our customers which will also be our competitive edge. We did a break even analysis which showed that our business idea would work well. The Industry Data that we collected gave us all the information about mobile van restaurants and some of the possible risks include the external factors such as changes in any government policies or weather changes and to meet these, we will have a backup plan. Business features, functionality and benefits Some of the business features includes convenience we provide to our customers along with nutritious and well packed warm food. Our business would operate mainly on a mobile van on which we will sell our food items. Although we have competition around, we will develop product differentiation on the basis of branding, service and location. Our business will operate in monopolistic competition which me ans an imperfect competition in which the products are substitutes but will be sold by the competitors will only be differentiated on the basis of branding and service. For this, we conducted market analysis to know more about the industry and competition. Branding Fastbite Inc. is our suggested name which would include pastries, sandwiches and minced noodles while we will sell barbecue including sea food and chicken wings, beef noddle and Kway Teow, chicken noddles and rice, curry

2. Individual Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

2. Individual Report - Coursework Example With its advanced technology it is used by many consumers since it fits their needs. Moreover, the report gives a clear view of how the Sony products make an impact in the market, the strategy that can make Sony more lucrative, the brand loyalty of the camera and the importance of customer satisfaction. The main aim of the report is to understand the Sony camera as a brand and the consumer fulfilment with its products. Understanding of the product gives better decision making for both the company and the users of its products. Therefore, the report’s aim is to deduce the value of both the camera’s impact as a brand and the approval by its users There are several objectives in this report that span from defining Sony camera brand, making a strategy for Sony camera, research the brand loyalty, analysis and evaluation of Sony camera brand equity and importance of customer satisfaction. To amaze its customers, Sony merges the excellent knowledge with its innovative technology. Sony is known for producing great audio-visual technology by its virtue of leading edge technology. Sony has always maintained its vision through offering modern technology and digital concepts while working together with the consumers. By doing so, the company stands to sell excellence to its users. Moreover, their consistency and dedication toward service moves the company closer to the customers. The company boasts the only camera without a mirror-less system. The superior nature of the company in audio- visual technology gives the company a better edge in the market. The production of this type of mirror-less camera opens a new dawn for camera technology having being a dream in the preceding years. Despite the fact that Sony has built its name in the entire electronics industry, their camera house is a home to a range of cameras. Moreover, the company is recognised for its reliability

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Political philosophy Essay Example for Free

Political philosophy Essay An English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers. Considered one of the first of the British empiricists, following the tradition of Francis Bacon, he is equally important to social contract theory. His work had a great impact upon the development of epistemology and political philosophy. His writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau, many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, as well as the American revolutionaries. His contributions to classical republicanism and liberal theory are reflected in the United States Declaration of Independence. Lockes theory of mind is often cited as the origin of modern conceptions of identity and the self, figuring prominently in the work of later philosophers such as Hume, Rousseau and Kant. Locke was the first to define the self through a continuity of consciousness. He postulated that the mind was a blank slate or tabula rasa. Contrary to pre-existing Cartesian philosophy, he maintained that we are born without innate ideas, and that knowledge is instead determined only by experience derived from sense perception. THOMAS HOBBES Hobbes was a champion of absolutism for the sovereign but he also developed some of the fundamentals of European liberal thought: the right of the individual; the natural equality of all men; the artificial character of the political order (which led to the later distinction between civil society and the state); the view that all legitimate political power must be representative and based on the consent of the people; and a liberal interpretation of law which leaves people free to do whatever the law does not explicitly forbid. He was one of the founders of modern political philosophy. His understanding of humans as being matter and motion, obeying the same physical laws as other matter and motion, remains influential; and his account of human nature as self-interested cooperation, and of political communities as being based upon a social contract remains one of the major topics of political philosophy. In addition to political philosophy, Hobbes also contributed to a diverse array of other fields, including history, geometry, the physics of gases, theology, ethics, and general philosophy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Family Support in Mental Illness

Family Support in Mental Illness Family is an important and inevitable part of an individual and its uninterrupted presence gives us a psychological support and courage to courageously deal with any kind of trouble.It provides a strong and long lasting shelter to a person and every one looks toward his family for primary care. Although family’s role is necessary in physical illness but in psychiatric illness it has an undeniable and imperative part in treatment exercise and it is indeed one of the mental health promoting practice. So we can say that family plays an integral role in alleviating the significance of mental illness because only medical intervention is ineffective. The support of family for an individual with mental illness is crucial in Asian Indian culture. The involvement of the family is so imperative, that often it becomes a prerequisite of seeking help for psychiatric illness (Stanhope, 2002 as cited in Cook Tarnovetskaia, 2008). Studies have concluded that the rate of recovery from schizophrenia is greater and mortality of people with schizophrenia is lower in the developing world than in the developed countries and the key positive factor that bring that change is the involvement of families in the course of treatment (Warner, 2009). Let’s view this aspect in a sense that what difference it will make if family is not involved in the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in cases where people living alone without any family support during the course of their illness. Maladaptive parental behavior is associated with an increased risk in offspring for anxiety, depression, disruptive personality, and substance use disorders during late adolescence and early adulthood. (Ajit Avasthi,2010) Childhood exposure to parental verbal aggression is associated, by itself, with moderate to large effects on measures of dissociation, irritability, depression and anger-hostility.According to studies, lack of family and social relationship cause homelessness and badly effect the quality of life (Pinikahana, Happell, Hope Keks,2009). . This causes too much frustration to the patient and instead of reducing mental illness it enhances much pain and suffering to the patient. Thus it has been found that when family support is absent the severity in the mental disorder keep increasing and any sort of medication often failed to produce good result. Resultantly family support is very vital and has a big impact to a patient suffering from mental illness.. Families have valuable information and knowledge about their relatives. They also have expertise, acquired through sometimes painful experience.They know about approaches that work and those that do not. Consumers, service providers and families beneà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ t greatly when family members are involved as full partners in the care and support of people with mental health and addiction problems. When family support is not provided to an individual suffering from a mental illness, he endures a lot of setbacks and it has a direct impact on him. Mostly he confused about his parents changed behavior and feels embarrassing for being in the affected persons company. A 50 years old male patient Noor Ali Hussain was in Nizari Senior Citizen, suffering from mental illness for the last ten years. The patient has a history of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and odd behavior. On clinical day, I interviewed him about his family history. He told me that his family leaves in America and they have left him in senior citizen. Moreover, he explained that his family doesn’t come to meet him, they just call him only on some special occasion. He stated that he feels happy when he talk to family and he want to live with them. However his family doesn’t take him with them to America because he is illiterate and aged.Further stated family told him that we are busy in our work no one is here to take care of you and left me in senior citizen. After carefully assessing this pathetic situation I decided to choose this topic that is family support in mental illness. In my patient multiple disorders were present and in such cases family suppor t is very important in rehabilitation and recovery of mental illness. But, in my patient case, unfortunately the family support ceased to exist. Care giving literature has illustrated that the prominent role in the provision of support for individuals with mental illness falls on family members, especially on women (Saunders 2003, Zauszniewski et al. 2008, Huang et al. 2009). Evidence linking caring for a member with mental illness to increased levels of burden for the family caregiver is compelling and consistent. Family caregivers have widely identified burden as ‘any individual whose presence and performance aroused either fear or shame must be burdensome and could not be living within a supportive environment’ (Thompson Doll 1982, p. 380). Studies have concluded that mostly people consider taking care of a mentally ill person as a burden. The family care giving burden framework best define my patient case because it distinguishes between the objective and subjective burden (Hoening and Hamilton,1996). Objective burden emerge in the form of disruption in everyday life in the household, financial constraint, breakdown in daily activities and social interaction and these are observe by the caregiver. Subjective burden are the caregivers feelings, attitude and emotions that reflects that he carries a burden(Bull, 1990; Hoening Hamilton,1966; MaurinBoyd, 1990; Reinhard, 1994). Therefore it is necessary to minimize the sense of burden felt by caregivers. Some strategies and interventions that could be help when families are involved in order to promote mental health are discussed briefly. Skilled Training and Health Management(STHM) intervention was developed with the aim of enhancing independent functioning and health care outcomes for older adults with SMI (primarily schizophrenia-spectrum disorders and bipolar disorder) (Bartels et al., 2004).moreover HM consisted of health care preventive measures to identify and monitor acute and chronic medical problems. Moreover family interventions should focus on expanding training to patient and key relatives about mental illness recovery, skills training, task sharing of household and self-care. A positive change in these areas is likely to improve the quality of life of people with mental illness and their families. Other effective strategies include discussion, debriefing session and family therapy that are good practices to involve family in care. Family therapy is also useful Psychotherapy that teaches families and their members to resolve the issue effectively and improve their understanding. According to psychiatric mental health nursing book(2006) Psychoeducation family therapy has been more successful in treatment of patient with schizophrenia and it reduces long term hospitalization as well(Dixon, 2001). According to psychiatric mental nursing book(2006),Self-help group are best position to help clients and families find additional support and information. Family support in mental illness can’t be ignored and it has a lasting role in the recovery of a mentally disorder individual. But sometime family considers burden and feels embarrassed and frustrated. In such crucial time, I think nurse can play a positive role by educating and counseling the family and his close relative about the intensity of the case and teach them strategies and skill to tackle the issue. By concluding, it can be said that family is an important source in promoting mental health but at the same time it is also necessary for the care professional to avoid commenting any mistake which may restrain the family from their beloved one who suffer from mental illness.Lastly, through assessing the identified framework and effective strategies we can play a role in alleviating the burden of mental illness that may bring a positive change in the patient who is diagnosed with mental illness. The prerequisite to promote mental health is to deal the patient holisticall y and make family involvement in treatment an integral part.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Curfews: Whats the Point? Essay -- social issues

Curfews: What's the Point? The 14th amendment of the United States Constitution states that any state shall not â€Å"deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws" (Legal). However, many cities and states in the US currently enforce curfew laws that deny young teens under the age of 18 their right to be in public places or to drive after certain hours. These laws are punishing minors for exercising their constitutional rights in the same way that adults do without such punishment; they are mostly causing no harm, and do not deserve to be discriminated against by the government in the way they are. Many believe that teens are responsible for a large percentage of crimes, particularly violent ones, and that having a curfew in effect helps lower crime rates. In one study, the average adult surmised that teens amount for 43% of all violent crimes, when in reality the number is only a mere 13%, and this number is made up by only a half percent of minors (Cobey). If this is the reason for creating curfews, it is clearly a discrimination against all minors, as reproving 99.5% of young citizens due to an inconsequential number of minors committing crime is certainly unjust. As a matter of fact, in some cases, applying curfew laws have actually increased juvenile crime rates. Teens begin to associate police officers with the curfew, and police officers begin to see a...